notorious slips
February 28, 1994 | by oemb1905
Part I
Scraping of the brackish lips.
Insults aimed at being swift.
of salt on untamed tongues.
touching storm-like prayers of death
aimed at them to heal,
but water the roots of hellish foliage.
Quickly stepping victim taps the
pavement with souls
Repeating drums of walking; through
quiet clean downtown streets.
Looking for solutions and questions
that he never could ask.
left hurt … n
left injured
a Soul was torn; by steel fibers scraped of aging
doors in winter sun
against his cold heart, like bad
He recalls what brought this on.
Speaker of storm; thundering insults
torturing reservoirs until overflow.
incoherent responses causing sleepish
drifting in wonderland.
bring me home and dis’confuse me now.
Part II
Solved problems take me quickly to beds of
nails; hurting my upper thigh.
piercing flesh, bone against metal.
life against confusion. Wired but
still and smooth, against my bones.
tranquil, like sunday sun at Pancake
On sleep in days during important
bliss. well, bliss; … always important.
TV Shows recalling in brain-speed quickness
police-car flashes calling back fear and
thrill of nightmare layers of muck surrounding
city, oil stained, streets of grease.
Slippery Matchbox vehicles lighting the
field up with everlasting pain and smog.
buses. with confused RTD travellers.
reading for unknown places knowing
not that they know nothing and go
nowhere organized.
by the swift scheduled tinkling of RTD bus
routes at constant RTD speeds and
smog trails, all day … all day long.
deathly stinking economical environmental
song of fallacy.
evil of evils that didn’t cause too much
that’s life before flashing pains of
metal. … and of bone.
Part III
feet squeezing into the piercing points until
the nails fall off in simultaneous militaristic
order. one two three nails off and
pain with me.
Anger with Pain and pain yelled with
no avail. taking a bull whip and
crack’ tapping Rain in the head of hurt.
toss turn twinkle tank! Anger overcomes Pain
and Rage is made.
Here me now, in this transition state.
reaching the shore with undulating softness
and wave-like sun-shine … shinin’ … beauty.
Rage, an old man yelling by himself at
hidden images in the sky’s clouds at night
I feel Rage (Kaya) and glee (in me).
bell’s ringing and the day came and went
back to wait longer for this soul cursed
more riot than any criminal’s last-minute
fight against the surping blood drinkers.
Yeah, life. Yeah … , life. To strife and …
pulsating patience. my veins beating my
brain until I can’t wait any longer.
Eternity reached by the door closing with
my submissive requests. answering obeying
and seeing my way across the
chains on my wrists.
well it is come to end
and time to be quiet
responsibility and sterile
sex for me.
Know me, though. know me when
sanctuary forgets to call, and know that you can
gleam in the shadows of my
rip-tide. That you may bask in the
sun of m’ knowledge and swim
in my dreams of butterfly strokes.
… you’ll be with me, to experience my
glory ad be eternally mine.
… on my chest against my breast
forgiving patiently
waiting for my love
to elevate you to
shores of sensual
… incensed turmoil.
Loving this possibility and seeing stars
to prove the day against the skeptical
soldiers and beats that counter you.
I love you, whoever you are. I do. … I do.
End my life … destroy my family
I will leave
and end up right at the railroad greenery and
shut down in emptiness on broken tracks
with evening sunshine knowing’ness.
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