December 5, 2017 | by oemb1905
natalism and progress
The first misconception in the anti-natalist position is the premise that “life is […]
May 16, 2015 | by oemb1905
unexpected prejudice
Misguided educators are often so overtaken by their own dogma that they fail […]
March 14, 2015 | by oemb1905
resistance, tension, and authority
There are some who say that natural rights are an intellectual fallacy. That […]
December 14, 2013 | by oemb1905
the attack on learning
In 1993, Alison King stated that the transmittal model assumed that a ‘students […]
April 14, 2012 | by oemb1905
tekne and eleutherophobia
In writing compelling expositions one must refrain from the use of turgid words […]
February 14, 1988 | by oemb1905
the smallest snowflake
This is a children’s story I wrote at ten years of age for […]